Friday, April 16, 2010

spring break

This spring break i didn't go on vacation all i did was stay home and work. On my days off all i did was hangout with my girlfriend and relaxed. I didn't go on the cruise with my parents because i would rather work and get my new truck paid for. Also to spend time with my girlfriend.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

What are your unfulfilled dreams? Why so?

MY unfulfilled dreams are to be graduated and have a better paying job even though i have a very good job for someone my age. The reason i would like a better job is so i can finish paying for my new truck and then start saving for my first home to start a family in and hopefully go on from there.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

what is your purpose? do you live purposefully?

My purpose in life and in general is to have fun and work hard so i can have all the fun i want to have. I work hard and play harder as they would say. I think my main purpose is to work hard and have a happy life.

the first time i got to drive

The first time i got to drive it seems like the whole road moves and the vehicle has a mind of its own and it does i still think. i remember the first time i got to drive i was going way to fast and passed my turn and everything ha ha. My mom was so mad at me.

the coolest piece of technology i work with or did work with

I used to work with some of the newest heavy equipment machines around this area i used to run excavators and bulldozers and also the newest skid-steers that john deere makes. these are just some of the cool technology i work with it makes you understand the true power when you are filling up a dump truck in under 5 mins and waiting for the next one to pull into place.

trading lives with someone

If i could trade lives with someone it would be Hugh Hefner i mean really. He has the hottest girls that work for him and he lives in like a castle basically. I don't see why you could ask for anything else.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

what im thankful for

I'm thankful for my girlfriend she seems to be the only one that makes me happy. I am also thankful for her because she treats me with respect and takes care of me, she brings me lunch when im at work and just little things like that, that make me feel so thankful for her.